Down In The Dumps

Melancholy is the feeling or causing sadness. Pensive is a deeply thinking sadness, a thoughtful or gentle sadness. Do you feel down in the dumps most of the time? Is your feeling that no one cares? Have you reached out for help and no one is there? What you don't understand is that there is someone there and that someone is God. He has always been there and always will be there for us. He hears our cries and the anguish that is in our heart. Do not have any problems cast them into the capable hands of our Lord and redeemer. Then lie there without arguing or resisting His guidance. 1st. Peter 5:7 Then you no longer have to stagger beneath the weight of what you believe is dragging you down.

So what did God do for us? God so loved us all that he gave us His only Son so that any of us who believe in Jesus Christ, may have life and have it abundantly. We who have chosen to walk in His footsteps, or should I say be a reflection of Him, let your light shine so that all we do will glorify God . Matthew 5:16 We can see by this scripture that this is not a suggestion, it is a commandment. Any light that may shine from us is not our light but the light that shines from the presence of Jesus in us. Those who walk in darkness need to have one of God's followers to help them see the truth. God has given us a commandment and that is to go into all the world baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 We must take serious God's commandments and not think they are just suggestions. When we help others we help ourselves and forget about our grief.

We, in our despair, give up. We listen to the words of the great liar Satan. Satan who knows all of our weaknesses and is ready to jump in and try to convince us that we are no good and no one cares. Satan wants us to turn our backs on God so that he can have his way with us. If we elect to listen to the urging of Satan we would truly be lost. There would be no hope for us. In order to have a joyful and a fulfilled life we must seek the word of God. Remember what God said in His love letters to us. All things that God allows to happen in our lives will work for our good. Romans 8:28 So by this take advantage of your melancholy that you have induced on yourself, get back in the word. You know that there are others that you may be able to help. Think about it, you don't feel like getting out of your shell, but maybe you might just revert to reading and it may be the Bible you chose to read. Praying, and especially praying for others, will get you what you want. Relief from the doldrums. Matthew 7:7 also read Matthew 21:22 To be down about anything is wrong for God has filled us with the Holy Spirit, or if by another name, the Helper when we came to trust in Him. All we have to do is call on our Lord for help, and if we truly believe our answers will be forth coming.

We all know that it is a sin to worry because we have cast everything on God to handle for us, so there no reason to be down. I trust that you have read the first chapter of the Bible and the last chapter. Therefore we know what lies in store for us when we have completed the work that God has prepared for us. If you still have a doubt see 2nd Corinthians 13:5 Have you read John 14:15, John 14:21and John 15: 10? if not please do.

You want to cure your feelings of being down, just go out into the world and see all of the other people that do not have what you have. Let them know what a blessing it is to have Jesus in our lives. Introduce them to the saving grace of God. Let them know that Jesus died just for them and that they were chosen before the beginning of time. How amazing, even before we were in the womb God selected us.

Remember this, the wrong desires that come into our lives aren't anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems long before any of us have. No temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can't stand up against it, for He has promised this and will do what He says. He will show us how to escape any temptation and supply us with the ability to withstand any problem we may face. Therefore be patient so God's power can take effect.

Romans 15:13 Now may our God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you have confidence in Him, in order that you may run over with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Jim Brown