About God  (Commentary)

Can anyone explain God? I think not, for the single and best word that I believe would have any explanation would be that God is Love in its purest form. 1st. John 4:8 In the origin of the earth the word was already there and the word was God and is God. John 1:1-5 states that before the existence of anything else existed, Christ was with God. Jesus the Christ has always been alive and He is God. He created all that there is. All things came into existence through God. John 1:3.  Read Genesis 1:25, we hear about the triune God when He states let us make man in our image. (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) This word used, image or shape is (tselem) pronounced (tseh'-lem).  In Genesis 1:3 The word God is the plural of the word. This again is a statement showing the Triune God. When Adam was in the garden, God again said that man is becoming like one of us. Genesis 3:22 How many examples would anyone want to show that God is The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit all in one. The trinity is definitely shown to have many different functions. God the Father in Christianity is considered to be the first person of the trinity. Jesus Christ being the only begotten Son of God is considered to be the second person of the trinity.  The Holy Spirit is considered to be the third person of the trinity. God the Father is the one who controls everything. The Son Jesus is the redemption that man can claim. No one can come to the Father except through Jesus the Christ. John 14:6 The Son can do nothing unless the Father tells him to do it. John 12:49. The Holy Spirit seems to be the one who does most of the functions that take place in our lives. It was by the way of the Holy Spirit that Mary was found to be with child. Matthew 1:18


God does not approve of anyone having idols, statues or any image that you idolize. Leviticus 19:4 Men put many gods before them they are often called, money, sex, food, sports or other things of this world. I have even heard from the pulpit encouragement to hurry home so you won't miss some ball game. From the pulpit the emphasis should be that we must devour the word of God first. It is foolishness to let anything take our focus from our God. We should have time for other things, but they should not dominate our thoughts. God is so compassionate about us that He looks the other way when we sin because all he sees is the blood of His only begotten Son.  His blood that covers our sins, all of the past sins along with the sins we may commit in the future. We are told that even if we would speak against Jesus we can be forgiven, but if we would speak against the Holy Spirit we will not be forgiven. This  is the only unforgiveable sin, because all sins may be forgiven except one and that would be against the Holy Spirit. If we are at a loss for words, the Holy Spirit will give them to us. Mark 12:32


When one is filled with the Holy Spirit marvelous things can be done, things that we could not do otherwise. The Holy Spirit reveals to us things, when we are in need for comfort, that will help. The Holy Spirit took the form of a dove when He came upon Jesus. Mark 1:10 The Holy Spirit spoke through Zacharias Luke 67-68 - He spoke to Simeon and reveled to him that he would not see death before the death of his body before he had seen the Lord. Luke 2:25-26


We may want to read in Genesis where God's word tells us that God's Spirit has life and it is in Jesus, the same Spirit that has set you free from the law and the sin and of death. Genesis 1:2 -- 7:22 -- it speaks of the Spirit of God moving over the water.  This is the same Spirit that has set us free from the law and from death. Romans 8:2 The word Spirit is translated from (nuwach) pronounced (roo'-akh) which would be wind or breath. God's mouth used in 2nd Thessalonians 2:8 when the lawless one appears the Lord will slay him with the breath of his mouth.  He is the light of the world. He has brought into view the truths of life to all through Jesus. His light shines with neither flicker nor dimming. Darkness cannot extinguish His light. Genesis 1:26 tells us: God said, let us make man in our own image, conforming to our likeness.  Furthermore, give man the sphere of influence over the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air, over all the cattle and all the things that creep on the earth.


Here it is quite clear that the existence of the trinity was in existence from the beginning, the earth and everything in it.  God used the words, let us and in our. This is evidence that God was speaking to the other parts of the Spirit. In the beginning, of what we call time, God designed and created the universe, heavens, and the earth, and everything in it, on it and around it. We can see that after the earth and all in it, or over it, was created before, God created man. Man cannot claim, in any way, that man had any part of creation because man was last to be created.  The same day that man was made, so were all the beasts of this world made. God wanted man to have his own free will to decide right from wrong. Unlike God, the things man does are caused from outside forces.  Everything God does comes from Him and they are of no other origin.


Knowing all of this can we see the need to know God in a personal way? Colossians 2:7-12 speaks to us about us letting our roots grow deep in His word to feed on Him, growing strong and vehement in the truth.  Let our lives burst with joy and thanksgiving for everything He has done and is still doing in us, and for us. Do not let out side forces from others corrupt our faith with their worldly logic. Their shallow answers that are compiled from the thoughts of mere men who doubt their creator and are coached by Satan, the father of lies.


Instead seek the Holy word of God and what He has given the Son to say. In Jesus there was contained all of God in one human body.  Therefore we have everything when we have God. We are filled with God when we have Jesus in our hearts. This is how we are joined with God. He is the ultimate Ruler and authority over all. When we came to Jesus we were set free from evil we no longer had to sin.  We were transformed from our desires to sin, not by physical transformation, but from a spiritual circumcision and baptism of our very being. Our soul has been cleansed and freed from death. Through baptism our old evil nature died, and rose again with Jesus to our new glorious future in Christ Jesus. God saw to it what we needed to know when we were sinning. This was by giving us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us until the day of  Christ.  God used the law to prepare the way for Jesus to be ushered in.


We find in Matthew 5:17-19 where Jesus said not to be confused as to why He has come, not to abolish the Laws of Moses but to free us from the Law. If this had not be so, no one could reach the gates of heaven, because it would be impossible to keep all of the law. Read Romans 13:1 You have never broken a speeding law, right? Have you ever failed to be under the authority of the living God? If anyone should break the smallest of His commands, and teaches others to also do so, he shall be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. By example you teach others. We should take note here that when Jesus said until the purpose of the law has been accomplished they are all still in effect. Galatians 3:12-13 says to us that faith is much different than the law. It says that man receives salvation by our obeying each and every law, without one iota of transgressing on any law. Christ has come to us that we may be released from the impossible task of keeping the law. God allowed man to crucify Him on a wooden pole, taking with Him all the sins of man to die with Him. The curses that would be laid on man have been His to bear for us. The Jewish people believed that, crucifixion symbolize  the most revolting form of death there was, the corps was not to hang there all day but must be removed and burred the same day. Deuteronomy 21:23   


It is sometimes hard for us to comprehend the powers of almighty God. He knows all and hears all.  He always is attuned to our thoughts and needs. He knows even our thoughts before we think them. No matter what we think or do or have done in the past He still loves us. When asked how much does God love us a friend reached without stretched arms and hands saying He loves us this much. This was intended to demonstration when Jesus was on the cross His arms where stretched out. God gave of His only begotten Son Jesus who was stretched on the cross. This He did in order that we may find salvation in Him. Jesus paid the price for our sins. This took place on a mountain called Golgotha, which means the skull. See Mark 15:22. Look in John 19:30 where we are told  that after He gave up the Spirit the Lord Jesus went to be  with the Father to be at the right side of God the Father.  The solders gambled to see who would get what garments that our Savior had or wore.  


1st Corinthians 12:4-10 confronts us with the fact that we all have been given special abilities. The Holy Spirit is the source of these gifts we have been given. When we use them properly, these gifts are used to glorify God. If we do not use them we will lose them. Titus 3:3-5 reminds us that once we were foolish and disobedient.  We were misguided by others, we became slaves to the trappings of the world with their alluring call to sin. We became slaves of the evil ways of the world and sank deeper into sin. We became consumed with envy and resentment and hatred for others and they too hated us. Then when we embraced our Lord and Savior asking Him to take control of us, our lives changed because we no longer sought the things of the world. We began to look at life differently. We began to find life with love, compassion and kindness. We find that we are in a much better place than we had before, both Spiritually and physically, for if we are right with God we seem to find the entire peace that alludes so many. Jesus He freed us from the fate that was waiting for us of spiritual and physical death. God did not arrange for us to be rescued from certain death because we were good, it was because of God’s kindness and the compassion He has for us. He washed away all of our sins and then gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us until the day of His coming for His church. Hebrews 10: 12-14 addresses the fact that Jesus gave himself freely to God for all of our sins as a sacrifice for all of time. Then He rose to sit at the right hand of God to await His enemies to be laid at His feet. By that one offering that Christ gave of Himself, made us perfect in the sight of God the Father for all God sees is the blood of His Son Jesus the sacrificial  Lamb of God making us all holy in His sight. Looking forward to seeing you in the Kingdom of Heaven with our Father.


No matter what sin we have committed God’s grace is sufficient to cleanse us from any sin that we have committed except the sin of denying the Holy Spirit. The existence of the triune God cannot be ignored. If we are truly regretful of any sin(s) we have, then the God who created us will no longer be able to see the sin for it is concealed by the blood of Jesus.  All sins will be forgiven except speaking against the Holy Spirit See Matthew 12:31-32



God Answers us Writings By Jim Brown Click Here to print this document

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Jim Brown