Associate with evil … become evil!

God tells us that we should not associate with the ungodly. First we must understand what the word associate means.  It means to spend time with someone. The intransitive verb means to connect with the mind. Connect one thing to another as in a friendship with someone. When we bond with someone we then are connected as friends or we even have a deeper relationship. To join as a partner in any activity we are connected with the same mindset  Matthew 13:31-42 speaks to us about the people we chose to keep company with. Let’s take the example of the mustard seed.  The Kingdom of Heaven is like the smallest seeds of the mustard plant.  When they are planted and germinate they will become a very large plant.  If not pruned, they will grow into the size of a tree where even a bird can find shelter among the branches.  Jesus also uses this example. When baking bread, women will put a measure of yeast in with the flour. This then will permeate the whole of the mixture. This tells us that if something or someone is in our midst then the sin they carry could, if we are not always on guard then Satan will attack. So in order to be prepared for the on slot of evil we need to put on the full armor of God. That is the word of God and we need to carry it in our hearts.  Ephesians 6:11  


Jesus was forced to drag a wooden pole to Calvary to the hill called the skull. Golgotha the Place of the Skull, in Aramaic pronounced Golgotha. This is where He was beaten so bad that He could not be readily recognized. His skin was torn apart so much so as to expose the bone under the flesh.  He hung there for us He paid the price for our sins the sin of today and those that have taken place along with the sins we are yet going to commit. Matthew 27:33 - Mark 15:22 – John 19:17 – Luke 23:33 Jesus paid our price and we are now in His hands for safe keeping. God the Father has burdened Jesus the Christ with our care.   


When Jesus spoke He would often speak in parables.  Matthew 10-11 in this manner when he spoke to His chosen they would be able to understand Him better. Not necessarily the others who do not choose to embrace Him. Using illustrations was a way for most to remember what they had heard Him say. He would use at least one illustration when speaking to crowds.  It had been prophesied; I will speak in parables, I will explain to you mysteries that have been hidden since the beginning of time.


The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted his field with all good seeds. At night while he slept, a cunning and deceitful person crept into his field and planted thistle amongst the wheat. When the crops began to mature the thistle also grew. When the farmer’s hired hands saw this they told the farmer that his choice crop was full of unwanted thistles. They wanted to know if they should pull them out. No exclaimed the farmer for you could harm the good crop also. Let them both grow and I will tell the reapers at the time of harvest to separate them from each other, cast the thistle in the fire to be burned up and place the good growth in the barn for safe keeping. This is when there are sinful people all around us. We can resist the beckoning call of the world with the armor of God we will not be overcome by the sin that is all around us.


His followers asked Him why He spoke with the illustration of the thistles and the flour and yeast used to make the bread. Responding He said all right then, I am the farmer that sowed the choice seeds. The world is the field and the seeds represent the people of the Kingdom of God. The thistle represents all the people that belong to Satan for they have turned their backs on good. The bad seeds are those that were sown amongst the good seed by Satan the evil one. The end of the world will come and the angels will be the reapers. Just like in this story the thistles are separated and burned, so will it be when the end of the world comes. God said I will send my angels and they will divide the bad seed from the good seed. The evil ones will be cast into a furnace and consumed by the flame. There will be gnashing of teeth.   1st Corinthians 5:5-8 the evil men will be cast from the midst of the fellowship of the Christ.


The scripture definitely shows that just by the fact that we keep company with the ungodly we are subject to the infection of sin, even as innocent as our contact may be.  We subject ourselves to their sin. Just like the yeast in the bread dough spreads throughout the dough, eventually their sin will take hold of us. We should present the gospel to them.

Tell them what God wants for them. God wants that no man would perish but that all humanity would come to Him and give up sin. Man in his selfish greed and lust will turn his back on God and succumb to the allure of sin with the worldly trappings, fornication, lying, cheating, adultery and drunkenness along with a myriad of other sinful actions and thoughts.


What a terrible thing we do when we boast about our being free from the sins that others are doing yet we associate with undesirable evil men of the world. Do we not realize that if those that we are around are sinning, sooner or later that sin will affect us and everyone around us? This evil cancer, this wicked person must be removed from among us. This must be done so that we do not get infected. We must remain strong in Christ, the Lamb of God, who was slain for us. Let us feast upon His word, remaining near Him, growing strong in our life as a believer in Him. We must leave behind us the old cancerous life with all of its hatred and wickedness that we once were a part of.  Instead let us feast upon the Christ and His infallible word.  Deuteronomy 13:4 informs us that we are not to have any other gods before our God Jehovah, obeying His every word clinging to Him with all our might. Keep in mind that many have a different god than we.  To some their god is money, to some it is sex, yet some it is a sport that they are infatuated with. We all have a void within our hearts that we long to fill, but some go off and take in the trappings of the world instead of putting Jesus in their hearts. Do we not feel that it is sad that we can hear God’s word and come away with out the word of grace in our hearts? It is a good thing to share with others what we have learned from the word of God and listen to others about what they have experienced from reading the word of God.

We can see in Romans 8:14-19 where we are reminded that if we are God’s children we are led by the Holy Spirit and should not be like cowardly fearful slaves. We should behave like we are God’s children, for we are if we have asked Jesus into our lives to take control of it. We are His very own children adopted into the protection of the family of God. He is our heavenly Father and we can call on Him at any time. The Spirit of God speaks to us deep within our hearts telling us we are His children. Being His children, we share in the treasures that He freely gives to His Son Jesus.  If we are to share in His glory we are also to share in His suffering. What we go through now to accomplish our service in the army of God is nothing compared to the glory we will receive from Him later. All of creation is patiently waiting for the day when He arrives to take us home with Him. Never more will we feel pain, anguish fear or discomfort. It will be a glorious day when we are all joined with Him.

Romans 13:11 informs us that another reason for us to live a life worthy of a child of God is that time is running out for us. The time left for us individually is much closer than it was when we first believed. The night is near over and the day of His arrival will soon be upon us.  Quit all those evil deeds of darkness and put on the full armor of God for the right kind of living. Stay away from evil and the bearers of sin who lie, cheat, steal and those who commit adultery, murder and other sin against God. Avoid the things from the darkness but live in the light of Jesus not the darkness of Satan, the father of lies.

We should ask the Lord Jesus Christ to help us to live a life worthy of a child of God. Do not make plans to expose yourself to sin and the things of the dark. We need to look at Luke 17:10 to see that when we are doing what we are called to do we need not expect to receive any special treatment or praise for doing our duty as His child. Ephesian 5:4-7 states that dirty stories, foul talk, and coarse jokes are not for us. Instead we should remind each other of the goodness of God and His plan for us. The Kingdom of God will never be in the grasp of those who are impure or greedy trying to satisfy their own lustful pleasures or idol worshipers.   Do not even associate with a person that worships the attraction of sin more than God.

No matter what sin we have committed God’s grace is sufficient to cleanse us from any sin that we have committed except the sin of denying the Holy Spirit. The existence of the triune God cannot be ignored. So then if we are truly regretful of any sin(s) we have, then The God who created us will no longer be able to see the sin for it is concealed by the blood of Jesus.  See Matthew 12:31-32