How To Pray

Christ, having been asked by His disciples how to pray, gave them an outline of a way that they could use to formulate a prayer. People refer to it as the Lord's prayer, but it rightly is an example of how we can structure our prayers. Jesus gave this prayer to His disciples when asked how they should pray. Matt 6:5-9 states that we should not pray as the hypocrites do, for their only reason for prayer is to try to impress worldly people. They do this by standing on street corners and in churches, praying out loud for others to hear. Instead we are instructed to go into an inner room and shut the door behind us. This would mean we then have private prayer with God and God only.

By us praying with open minds and hearts, praying to God asking not only for the blessings for others but for ourselves, God sees all and knows all. He looks into our hearts and minds where He finds our true motives. Therefore to pray in vain repetitions, as the heathens do, is an abomination in the sight of God. The people that do this type of open display of fruitlessness only makes a fool of themselves. They do their best to impress those around them for they think that they shall be heard because they talk and talk with as many words as they can conger up trying to impress those who are in ear shot of them. They are saying look at me, I am good and I know this and that. God sees their frivolous attempts to impress others. God will reward accordingly. Even before we ask, God knows what we need and even what we are going to say next. It has been our experience that often God has seen our hearts and answered our prayers before we even pray for them aloud to our Father.  

We need to keep in mind what John 14:15 tells us. It tells us if we keep His commandments, that is a sign that   we love Him. We know that God cannot look on sin. Therefore as we are all sinners and we deserve nothing.  We cannot earn the right to be called His child.  The only way to approach Him is through His Son Jesus Christ who's blood was shed for our sins past, present and future, admitting to Jesus that we are sinners asking for forgiveness for our sins, pleading to Jesus to come into our hearts and take control of our lives. We will not be denied this appeal, for this is what God wants us all to do. When we have done this simple act of obedience, God then gives us the Holy Spirit to live within us forever. The Holy Spirit encourages us to do the things that will help the rest of His children. God does not force us to do anything for He wants us all to come to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.

One of the things God has given us is a free will, meaning we can choose what we will do. We can elect to follow the path He has laid out for us in His word, the path that leads to eternal life in His companionship, where we find peace and are free from pain and suffering; or we may chose to follow the path of destruction that leads to Hell and everlasting pain and suffering in the lake of fire.     

Most of us feel that we are lacking in the area of prayer. We may feel clumsy as we approach our God, as to what we should say.  Most of the time if we would just tell God what is on our hearts and in our mind, that is what He wants to hear.  Even though God knows before we ask what is best for us, He still wants us to ask.  The prayers of most of us will start out with petitioning for something that we want. Too many of us begin with our selfish goals. We seem to center around I, I or me, me. We are looking to gain something, normally some worldly cravings. When we go to God in prayer we should begin with appeals of intercessions, not only for ourselves but for others first. Our goal should be to serve. We are told in Matthew 28:19-20, one of Jesus Christ's last commandments before His ascension to be at the right hand of the Father was to go and make disciples of all the nations. We are to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The verse speaks to us saying we are to observe all of His commandments. He ends this statement with a most important thing, telling us that is He will be with us always.

God has given us, through His Son Jesus Christ, the only way to the prevention of our sins.  That is life in Jesus. Then we are not condemned to eternal Hell that awaits those who reject Him. We should pray from our hearts. Even  Jesus, when seeking help from the Father prayed as we see in John 6:11. Jesus took the five barley loaves after He had given thanks to the Father, Jesus distributed the loaves among the people.

Jesus displayed an act of faith right in front of us setting an example to us. Matthew 21-22 tells us that all things we ask for, when we believe, will be given to us. We need to note here that the key word is believing without being doubtful of the outcome. We also observe that we are to include in our prayer our own needs and desires. And pardon us for our debts, as we too have forgiven our debtors. Matthew 6:12.    

Do we want to be treated the same way we treat others? Think hard, do we always treat others the way we claim? How about sister Jane who is overweight.  Do we point a finger at her, or brother Donald who never dresses the way we think he should? Just what are our hang-ups? You know what is being said here.  Are we  the one that is always looking for faults in others? Some comments I have heard from people who are looking at others are, wow, are they ever heavy. There they go again lighting cigarettes. Don't they know that the body is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit? Often times they are speaking over their own enormous waistline. Just because we may have overcome that particular flaw in our life does not mean that others are bad.

Jesus gave four instructions to guide us in our praying. We must pray earnestly from the bottom of our hearts. If we should repeat a prayer over and over again that does not always make it an ineffective prayer. It would be if we are just blurting out words for the sake of making sounds. See Matthew 26: 36-48 where Jesus Himself repeated prayers. Paul repeated his petition. See Corinthians 12:7-8. An appeal to God is only vain repetition of words when it is a conglomeration of words or memorized prayers. See 1 Kings 18:26. The mere reciting of memorized prayers can be vain repetition. The Gentiles had such prayers in their pagan ceremonies. A prayer request becomes a vain repetition if it is only a babbling of words without a sincere heart's desire to seek and do God's will.  

It is our Lord's prayer, it is of His composing, of His appointing. The prayer contains a wide range of concise meanings and at the same time it is very informative with compassion and empathy for our weaknesses, lack of strength and charter flaws. The Christian religion is to promote prayer.  We disciples of Christ must be praying people. The example in the prayer tells us we must pray, not only for others, but also for ourselves. Even as hard as it is to pray for someone who has brought harm to us, we must pray for them also.  Our government leaders have been placed in the positions they are in by our God. We must pray for them, even when they are obviously doing what is wrong. Yes, even when we ourselves suffer under them. Even the most evil person can be turned around by the power of prayer. Think it through. The reason why all men are to be prayed for is because there is only one God and our God wants that no one be lost, but that all would turn to Him and be freed from the pits of Hell. Ezekiel tells us that God would like all men to turn from their evil ways. See Matthew 23:37. Some don't know that Christ is the way, the truth, and so He is the life, unless we tell them. He would like it if all would be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  To be saved in the way that He has appointed. We who have asked Christ into our lives, to be our master, are under grace, not under the covenant of innocence, but under a new covenant: He gave himself a ransom. Observe, The death of Christ was a ransom for all of us sinners. We deserved to have died but Christ died for us, to save us from death and hell; He gave himself a ransom voluntarily, a ransom for all. He put himself into the office of Mediator between God and man.

God said that if you love Me you will keep My commandments. How will we know what His commandments are unless we read His love letters to us? The bible.   Does Satan interfere with you when it is time for you to spend time with God? Those who are saved must come to the knowledge of the truth, for this is God's appointed way to save sinners. Without knowledge the heart cannot be good nor will we know the truth without reading His words. We must pray in faith without doubting (James 1:6)

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