Holy Spirit

It is not enough for us to just have the Spirit unless the Spirit also has us. If He has us then and only then can He distribute to us the abundant, triumphant life that awaits us just because He loves us. When we are reborn we no longer have to yield to the flesh, because the flesh no longer controls us. Our obligation to the Holy Spirit is the nearness and constant awareness that the Spirit is trying to guide us, if we will only pay attention to His speaking to us in our hearts. All we need to do is obey God's commandments. By doing so, we show God how much we love Him. (see John 14:15 --- John15:10). The only way we can receive the Helper, (The Holy Spirit) to dwell within us, is to admit that we are sinners and ask Jesus into our hearts to take control of our lives. This action will trigger the greatest thing that will ever happen to you. Jesus will give you the Holy Spirit to live within your heart forever. This is no small event. You now will embark upon a glorious adventure in life. The Holy Spirit is so important that we find in God's inspired book the Bible that if we blaspheme in any way the Holy Spirit we will not be forgiven. This is the only sin that there is no forgiveness for. No matter how heinous our sin may be it may be forgiven by God. (Mark 3:29 --- Luke 12:10) The Holy Spirit, can make it possible for us to put to death the sinful acts of the flesh. As we begin to yield the parts of our body to the Spirit, (Rom 6:12-17) He puts to death the things of the flesh, and He reproduces the things of the Spirit.

The believer can walk and be led by the Spirit. (Rom 8:14). As we yield to the Spirit, He guides us by His Word day by day as we pour through the Bible. We are no longer under the law, we have been redeemed by the grace of God. It is completely up to us to follow Him or not. We may chose to listen to the evil one, and walk a different path. We have a free will to do as we please, or to follow His commandments. We are joint-heirs with Christ to the throne of God (Rom 8:17). The Spirit teaches us from the Word, we then receive God's wealth by our faith. What an amazing thing it is that we have all of the knowledge contained in the wisdom of the Bible at our beckon call.

It is not enough for us to have the Holy Spirit if we do not allow the Spirit to work in our behalf. Yielding ourselves to the control of the Holy Spirit is for our benefit. Only then can we become the instruments of God. We need to be able to call upon the guidance of the Helper. (John 14:26) Only then can The Holy Spirit share with us the abundant, successful life that awaits us when we are obedient to God. John 10:10 The Holy Spirit will convict us when we think of worldly evils of the flesh. Our carnal nature will cause us to sin when we do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. If we will let Him, the Holy Spirit will reveal Christ to us when sinning raises its ugly head. Jesus has given to all, who will ask, the Holy Spirit to dwell within our spirit. (Ephesians 3:17) The Spirit will live within us until the day of Jesus Christ when we all go home to our reward.

Christ revealed to us, and gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us forever. When we gave our heart to Christ, if we will immerse ourselves in the word of God, we will become perfected in His time. Like an athlete must exercise to be fit so must we be exercising our minds and hearts by absorbing the commandments of God. We can be just like Jesus when we are fully trained. (Luke 6:40). God wants us to have an abundant life. He will allow us to eliminate the sinful deeds of carnal instincts. (Rom 6:12-17) The Holy Spirit will put to death the things of the flesh, and He reproduces the things of the Spirit. We come into God's family by rebirth. We are reborn into the family. This is not a physical rebirth but a spiritual rebirth. God gives us the position as His child with the full rights of inheritance. When we walk by the Spirit of God we demonstrate that we are His children. We are no longer fledglings. We have become willing to be led by the Holy Spirit and become His child. (Rom 8:14). We are not longer under bondage to Law. We have been emancipated from the sin of the world. We no longer are compelled by flesh. We are of the Spirit and are free to follow Christ. The believer can now whisper or shout to the Father and we will be heard. Only those who have been reborn will see the kingdom of God.

Jim Brown

God Answers us Writings By Jim Brown

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