
or the act of deceitfulness is an act of or the practice of deceiving someone. It would be an act of doing something that is done to trick or mislead another person. To be deceitful is normally done by someone who would try to gain something by means of hiding or covering up something that would cause someone else to suffer in one way or another. It could be in the area of knowledge or in the area of cheating the other person in order that the sinner, the one holding back information, would cause someone else to suffer financially and they would gain the advantage. All the deceiver is doing is digging his or her own grave, and giving up the right to join our Lord in heaven. Does that sound harsh to you? If so, then you are not really a person that has accepted our Lord Jesus Christ into your heart with the conviction that God demands of us when we commit our life to God. Would we say that we are just playing a game with God? Are we not aware that God knows our every thought? Some of the consequences that will befall us are the loss of the blessings that God would like to give us. But the deceitful things we do will cause God to withhold the gifts that He wants to give us.

Some of us think that if my spouse partakes in some of these treacherous deeds of misleading someone it will be them who has to pay. That is not true for when you are joined in matrimony you both are now one and when one suffers the other must suffer also. We can take a lesson from Adam and his partner Eve. She was the first to fall into sin and she swayed Adam to join her. Anyone who allows their spouse to lead them into sin will be in danger of Hell's fire. The man is supposed to be the spiritual leader, not the woman. If this is not true in your household you had better go to God's word. (1st Corinthians 11:3) If this is not followed then this is out of the order of God's plan. With this said we must consider that choice is the only thing we have that we have control of. It is obvious that if we are deceitful, being void of the truth, God has not called us for His purpose. If this then were the fact, we had better drop to our knees and ask for the forgiveness that only God can give. Do not give up your place in heaven for worldly gain, but look forward to the rewards that God has in store for you. In addition, keep in mind that if we have children we are teaching them to sin and they may stumble by our example. God does not receive glory from men but He knows that you do not have the love of God in yourself when you don't follow His commandments. (John 14:15). It is even possible that man can be well read and scholarly regarding the word but not have the understanding of what God says. John 3:3 tells us that unless a man is born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Matt; 22:14. We can see that many are called but few are chosen. The question is have you been chosen? On the other hand, do you turn your back on Jesus by not obeying God's word? Have you been honest about your dealings? Have you deceived your brother? The command to Christians is to search the scriptures. If your heart is deceitful, you will not understand His word for you have been blinded by God because He has lost patience with you. You have continued to sin against God and He will allow you to succumb to the depth of your own hardness of heart. Your lot then is to spend eternity in the fiery pit.

Obedience to God is must for if you are trying to take advantage of your brother in any way then God will not call you His own. When you go before the judgment seat, to answer for the life you have lived here on earth, you may try to claim the blood of Jesus. God tells us that when you make this claim He will say He knows you not. Then all these things that you have done to others will have sent you to hell and you will have only yourself to blame. Have you treated others the way you want to be treated? Have you been truthful? Have you held things back from them because you are afraid that you will be in trouble with them? Have you paid your debts? Let us look at ourselves. Have we treated others, as God wants us to? Remember, Luke 6:31 tells us to treat others as we would have them treat us. If you treat others with love then you can expect to be treated the same way, if you treat others with lies and deceit, then you can expect that you will be treated the same way from others. That is not the worst of it for you will lose anything you may have hoped to gain from your life, and those that God has given into your trust will suffer from your selfish actions. God addresses deceit in John 8:44 when he says that you are of your father the devil. Deceit is the same as a lie. It is to trick or mislead somebody, to hide the truth.

Deceit also means that it includes not telling the whole truth. It is the same as holding back part of the trust. See Acts 5:3-5 where we can see how a liar is rewarded for lies. Acts 5:5-10 This is an example of two people who told a lie and paid the ultimate penalty for their sins. Not only did they forfeit their earthly life by their lies, also they would spend eternity in the fiery pit. We may guess that at this point Ananias and his wife Sapphira had not just tried the patience of God once but time and time again.

The scripture backs up what I am saying here regarding the situation. Look up 2nd Peter 3: 8-9. God reveals to us that with Him a single day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as a day. Otherwise we can see that time, as we know it does not exist in heaven. We will live forever, unending days, or could we say that every day is the first day of the rest of time, which will never end. Our Lord is not slow with His promise, as many of us would think, but a patience is shown toward us. (John 14:6) Jesus is the only way to reach the Father. Jesus is waiting to free us from all of our sins.

If only we would follow God in His goodness and pure love, He would want us all to have the desires of our hearts. He wants us to earnestly rebuke the unruly, encouraging the timid, helping the weak and for us to be patient with all. I also am His bondservant just as the apostil Paul felt he was for I have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. We who feel that we want, with all of our hearts, to follow Him and do the bidding of our Lord and Savior must obey His commands. We are not to be quarrelsome, but to be kind to all, able to teach, have patience when wronged. Only He can cure our ills, so cast your burdens upon Him. Matthew 11:28.

Acts 16:31-34 And they said: believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your family willl find salvation.


God Answers us Writings By Jim Brown Click Here to print this document

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Jim Brown