Drugs (Commentary)


Drugs are so prevalent that every town, nuke and cranny in the U.S.A is plagued with the problem. Our children and   grandchildren are affected with the problem. It is said that it takes thirty-one days to break a habit, but drug addiction is a life-dominating problem. It has become so radical that changes must be made regarding associations and the social places that they frequent. Replacement, not abstention, is the key. It is recommend that they frequent Christian coffee houses, Bible study and prayer groups.  They might also try a warm church fellowship with understanding mature Christians of the same sex.   The church may have already set up some functions they could participate in. One good and faithful Christian friend can help enormously.


Drug addiction is a dominating factor in the addicts life. This problem has such a grip on the addicted person, and it is so strong. The cure is so hard on the body that the pain alone will drive the person back to the drug just to get relief from the pain. The temporary euphoria that is obtained from the use of drugs is a path to destruction not just the health but the soul. 


I do not think that attempting to quit cold turkey would be very easy. Therefore, having something else to take its place may be easier. Make sure there are no gossips around. It would be a "sticky" situation if someone would go around talking about so and so needs help getting off of drugs. If the person wants to share with others at a later time, it will be their decision.  A lot of people are well intended but do not have the tact or know how to help. Often those that want to tell others that they are trying to help are not equipped to assist in the recovery process.  I have found that even though they may have good intentions, they have miss quoted God's word.  Sometimes they sincerely think God has said something that He hasn't said. The operative word would be what THEY THINK, but yet there are some who know the word of God well and can be of great help. We need to keep in mind it is what God has told us in His word that needs to be used not what some human thinks.


A reborn person can get high on Jesus and  often does, and what a glorious experience it is. The person needs to keep busy and occupy their mind with new things. Philippians 4:8-9.  Remind the person you are trying to help that they are a chosen one of Christ, therefore they need to concentrate on Christ and  not their addiction. 


The body is the temple of God therefore when we introduce anything into our bodies such as drugs we are also ingesting the drugs into our Lord Jesus Christ for He lives within us and we in Him.  We were crucified with Him and it is no longer I who live, but Jesus who lives within me. Galatians 2:20 Should we go through any pain, suffering whatever hardship we are subjected to we should be thankful, for it is our opportunity to grow stronger in our relationship with our risen Savior. God has told us to do just that. James 2:-4 and Romans 8:28. If it's not just a pity party we want, but if we want to find the truth, we should turn our efforts toward Jesus and enjoy the wonders and blessings God can provide for those He has chosen before the beginning of time. 2nd. Thessalonians 2:13 No matter what sin we have committed God’s grace is sufficient to cleanse us from any sin that we have committed except the sin of denying the Holy Spirit. Luke  12:10. The existence of the triune God cannot be ignored. If we are truly regretful of any sin we have, then The God who created us will no longer be able to see the sin for it is concealed by the blood of Jesus. Matthew 12:31-32


Be reminded that you are learning to yield to Christ rather than to drugs, old friends, self-pity, guilt, fear, etc. They are not the answer. The only true answer is Jesus the Son of God who willfully gave of  His own life, John 3:16,  in order that  you and I may have life and  have it in abundance. John 10:10 Jesus tells us that He is the only way to reach God the Father. He is the overseer and protector of God's children. If we listen to any other voice it would be a robber who has come to rob us of our eternal life. John 10:7-12 Do not fear or be ignorant about what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17-21,  Anything that alters the mind, and  keeps it from clear thinking is bad for us.  Alcohol and drugs of any kind, watching prone moves and other unhealthy things.  All of these are debauchery.  Instead be filled with the Spirit of God.


Drugs are a practice of sin and anyone who practices sin does not know the Father. If you are not reborn, then your fate is to spend eternity in Hell. Jesus came to earth from heaven to take away the sins  of the world. It is true that anyone who practices sin is not of God but has set up their citizenship in hell with Satan. 1st. John 3:10 Those who are reborn and committed to God have their citizenship in heaven with God.  Philippines 3:19-20 All who are practicing the worldly sins also practice lawlessness and sin is lawlessness. 1st. John 3:4 Yet those who have their sights set on our Lord purifies them self, just as Jesus is pure. There is no mark or blemish on His chosen ones. All who have elected to follow Jesus have been sanctified and have become as pure as the driven snow, for we have been sanctified and covered with the blood and our sins cannot ever be seen. Romans 4:7                                                                                              


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Jim Brown