Abortion Commentary


An abortion is an operation or other means to end a pregnancy by the taking of a living embryo or fetus. The expulsion of a human fetus is an abortion. There is more than one point that we must concern ourselves with. The woman and man who   are the parents of the unborn child may both have guilt feelings. This may be from a guilt feeling of an abortion in the past. The person who needs counsel may feel shame because of the pregnancy. There may not be a father anywhere in the picture.  There may just be a sperm donor somewhere out there.  The story of King David’s adultery with Bathsheba tells how God still used him for great things even though he sinned in many ways. Concerning the sins that involved Bathsheba there was adultery, murder and who knows what else. So we see here that God’s grace abounds.  We wonder why God forgave him.  It would be because in his heart David would have to truly be mournful for having sinned.  It was not as much the sins he committed with Bathsheba but the sin he committed against his creator God, for his sins were directly opposed to what God says. Keep in mind when we sin we sin against God, because He is the one who has told us the way to live our lives. Refer to 2nd Samuel 11: 1-5 all the way into the book of Kings.


We sin and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 and we all sin in one-way or the other just about every day. Because we sin we are not cast aside. It is what is in our hearts that counts yes what we truly feel and are trying to do; God sees into the deepest depths of our soul and knows just what we think and feel. The main thing is not to manifest sin in our   actions but suppress our sins immediately, ask for forgiveness from our Lord for allowing sin to enter our thoughts. One sin compounded by another sin will only acerbate the problem. Keep in mind that it is murder to have an abortion.  Is there life in a cell? Of course there is.   A cell is the very begging of life. You may not be aware of the fact that life begins as a cell then matures into the complete being. The combined egg and sperm is a living child that has not fully developed.


There is no hopeless situation for our God can take care of anything. God can cure and will cure any situation if we will yield to Him. Paul, Moses and King David were all guilty of murder. God forgave them. Did they all become great men of God or not? We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. God points out in James 2:10 that if we transgress on one law we transgress on all the law. So, is one sin that much greater than the other? I think that sin is sin, no matter what sin we are guilty of. When we truly are sorry and ask forgiveness, God is gracious and will forgive a repenting heart.    He will never leave us when we are in need. God’s forgiveness and His mighty grace are not a license to go out and sin, because if we sin on purpose we really do not love God. For in our hearts we were trying to deceive God and that cannot be done. He knows all of our thoughts even before we know them.


The Ten Commandments are called just that the Ten Commandments not the Ten Suggestions. "Honor your father and mother, "You must not murder "You must not commit adultery." You must not steal. "You must not lie." You must not be envious of your neighbor's house, or want to sleep with his wife, or want to own his slaves, oxen, donkeys, or anything else he has." On top of that, we have been given many other commandments other than those ten. The Ten Commandments were given to us so that we could see how we were sinning, to help us straighten ourselves out. As we grow in the Lord, we cannot do that unless we read His word. If by now, you have not given your life to the Lord, you should at this time pray to God and admit you are a sinner. Ask Jesus to come into your life and take control of it. There are no special words just speak from your heart, God will know if you are speaking the truth or not. Pray in the name of Jesus when you want to be heard. Jesus was the gift from God (his only Son) the sacrificial Lamb of God who willingly gave up His life to insure that we, yes we everyone who asks for forgiveness will be forgiven by the grace of God. Only by His grace can we be forgiven and not by works, for no one can do anything to earn the right to be a child of God, but all who ask are accepted into the Kingdom of God and will reign with Him forever. At the you ask God into our heart to take control of your life, God will give you the Holy Sprit to dwell within you, helping you until He calls you home to be with Him in heaven. Many places in God’s word we can find where He has given us commandments that direct our lives. I can tell you right now that the longer you walk with the Lord the more joyful life becomes.  It is an exciting thing to be one of His children.


The scripture in Acts 17:24-28 States that God created the world and everything in it, and since He is Lord of everything He has total control of everything that He wants. God does not live in man-made buildings. He himself gives life to everything, and satisfies every need there is. He created all the people of the world from one man, Adam, and scattered the nations across the face of the earth. He determined from the begging who would rise and fall, and when. He determined their boundaries. His entire purpose in all of this is that we have the right to choose between right or wrong. We can seek after God, and perhaps feel our way toward him and find him-- though He is not far from any one of us. We who have elected to embrace Him as our Lord live within Him, and He in us. We may say that we are His children and He is our heavenly father. The wicked are like chaff they will be separated from the assembly of His chosen ones. Those who have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb of God, are the chosen ones. Those of us who have turned from sin in order to follow Him have been cleansed and His blood covers our sins.


See Psalms 1:4-6 if we do not Love everyone then we do not belong to Him. Keep in mind that we do not have to like any one for when they are against Gods teaching. We easily can dislike what they do and the things they stand for when they conflict with what God teaches. It is their actions that we are opposed to. After all they too are made in His image. Read Romans 13:9-10 where it says that if we love our neighbor as much as we love our self we should not want any harm to come to them. Love cannot bring sorrow to any one nor be judgmental; the judgment is only for the Father. Read   Romans 12:9-19 we will find that we are never to usher in evil upon others even if they have done evil acts to us. Do not fake your feelings for others but learn to love every one.  We all are created in His image. To harbor hate for any one is wrong and it is a sin because God said to love your brother. Do not look down on others.  The only time you look down on others is when you are lifting them up.  Hold others up showing honor to them and be enthusiastic in your service to God. Have we not pondered what God has in store for us? We are heirs to the throne of God and all of the rewards that comes to His children. Always take every matter to God in prayer rather they are small or large in our minds. If we become aware of the needs of others we are commanded to assist them if at all possible. When others mistreat us because we are His, do not show dislike for that person, but pray for them. This way you will store up your blessings in heaven. When others are joyful be joyful with them and compassionate when they are sad.  Do not be condescending thus showing your arrogant ways. Treat everyone with love. Never try to retaliate, leave it to God.


We must not fall into the mindset that some do, that if we keep the law or we are good people and stay out of trouble then we also can go to heaven.  Jesus did not come to earth to abolish the law but to fulfill it. The law was written to inform man that he is a sinner.  God made only one provision for us to find eternal life and happiness and that is the free gift from our God given through Jesus Christ. Jesus paid the price for all the sins of man when He went to the cross in our place. Both physical and spiritual death was taken care of that day. Stay alert.  We may never know if we will get more than one opportunity to embrace Him, for we may die any moment with out warning. There is no sin that God will not forgive except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and that sin will never be forgiven. Mark 3:28-29 also read 1st John 4:16 we know the love that God has for us is true and always there for everyone. This we have learned over the time we have been close to Him. God Himself is love, the only pure love. The ones who live in God, He then will live in them.  If we feel we are apart from God it is not God who has moved away from us, but us who have moved away from God.


Matthew 28:19 gives all of His disciples a commandment that they are to go to all nations making disciples of all nations and people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Keep in mind that this and as many other statements are commandments not suggestions.  If you have become a child of God, you are his disciple.  A disciple translates into the word student and if we seek His word and study His word, we are a student of His. Acts 10: 43 all who believe in Him and receives forgiveness through Jesus will find peace and eternal life. Think of the fact that God made all of us and all the intricate parts of our body, both men and woman. How complicated is the body of the female that her organs will hold life and sustain life while it is brought to the full completion. God was there all the time while we were being formed in our mother’s womb. Psalms 139:13-16 Need we say more Life is revered by God and only God has the right to end it. Our life will come to an end soon many of us will have lived and died without letting anyone else know how great it is to be Gods child. Those who do not turn from their evil ways when they are told about Him are doomed to eternity in total darkness and pain with the adversity the devil. If the mother and father cannot care for the child, there is an abundance of childless married couples that would love to adopt a child. Think hard and long before you end a life.   


There is a story: When all the aborted children reach heaven they ask God what would we have been on earth had we had the chance to live. God, pointing to each one would say, you would have been a doctor and found a cure for cancer. Yet to another He said you would have been a scientist and discovered a cure for Alzheimer’s, to another you would have been another Billy Graham. Do not think that this may not be true. For we do not know what God’s plans are, we only know the plans that are outlined in His love letters to us (The Bible). When, in the presence of God, having been taken up we will become all knowing. Will all these roles in lives be avoided now that they would not have a chance to live? The bible states do not murder. The bible also states, children are God's heritage and his reward. Life and death are in God’s hands. Only God has the right to end a life. After all He created us did He not? Children are a gift from God, not for some Doctor to abort for some one. The Doctor will pay for the sin of murder as will anyone else who assists him or performs an abortion.  Make no mistake about that.


No matter what sin we have committed God’s grace is sufficient to cleanse us from any sin that we have committed except the sin of denying the Holy Spirit. The existence of the triune God cannot be ignored. So then if we are truly regretful of any sin's) we have, then the God who created us will no longer be able to see the sin or it is concealed by the blood of Jesus.  See Matthew 12:31-32     

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Jim Brown