A group of people who worship a false god are among us. They are not to be scorned but we should have sympathy for them for they are blind.  They need only to have their eyes opened. That is what God has ordained us to do, reach the uneducated who do not have the glory of God.  We are aware that many will come claiming to be the Chosen one. Jesus Himself for told of the many who would come in His name saying that they are the Christ, misleading many who haven't kept themselves armed with the full armor of God. Even those who know better may be fooled, therefore make sure we are not taken in by an impostor who claims to be the messiah. Many false prophets have come and many more will yet come. This statement by Christ is a statement of caution regarding those who would be convincing to many, for without being armed with God's word they will be lost and lost forever. Satan definitely will attack us and is always trying to trick us in any way that he can to stop us from interfering in his attempts to destroy the souls of the unarmed. Matthew 24:4-31 But Christ would not elaborate on how many days or years it would be before His return. (Acts 1:7) The disciples then asked what will the signs be?  Christ  answers them in great detail regarding what to look for. He told them that there would be wars and rumors of wars. Mark 13:7 Nations will come up against nations, there will be famines and earthquakes.  This will be just the beginning of the birth pangs. Matthew 24:7-8 for the time of the return of our Lord is not yet. There shall be many more things that have to take place before that Glorious day is upon us. Only the Father knows when that day is. Matthew 24:36 There have been many cults predicting the return of the Christ to remove His chosen ones, but of course they have been wrong. Many have asked me when He is coming for us. I actually have the right answer, for I know when the great event will happen. I will share that with you now. It is when He gets good and ready. And not one second before. But of course He knows because He knows all, even our thoughts before we think them. Corinthians 2:11

When you witness to others, try to guide them to the path of salvation without any confrontation. Don't allow anyone to steal your happiness for we have read the first chapter of the Bible and the last chapter. Therefore you know what is to come. Always remember that many are called but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14 Be sure you don't forget the commandment that we were given in Matthew 28:19 to go into the world bringing the truth and salvation to all. And reassure yourself by reading Matthew 24:14 where we are told that when we  spread the truth to all the nations, then the end shall soon come. We do not know what tomorrow holds for us,  we are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14-15 No matter what should come about in your life, stand  firm for  our Lord knows who belongs to Him and who doesn't. 2nd  Timothy 2:19

Some churches today have statues open and in plain sight for all to see. They also pray to Mary the  women that the Holy Spirit impregnated with the seed to bring forth our Christ. Luke 1:34-35 Their doctrine should be scrutinized very carefully for it would seem that they do not follow the word of God.     If this is not blasphemy. (Blasphemy is disrespect shown to or of God.) Also disrespect for religion) It is best that we should run away from a gathering that has false gods.                                          Jim Brown