Love in Marriage

Love is described in the dictionary as a strong feeling toward some one or some thing.  Nevertheless, the love in a marriage is more than a strong feeling.  Hormones can give you a strong feeling, so can a pinch on the fleshy part of the body.  In the marriage, it is a special gift that God has made for a man and woman.  It is sacred and Holy.  Marriage is something that should not be taken lightly. There does not seem to be a learning ground for us to study marriage except by observation.  Observation some times can be discouraging. We try to learn as much as we can, but if the examples that are available for us to study are marriages that are not sanctioned by God, God cannot bless them.

Turn to your bible where all the answers are found for anything that you need to know. Ephesians 5:21-33 is quite clear on how we should conduct ourselves.  As a married man and wife this verse addresses first, the union of marriage as to the obligation we have when we are joined by matrimony.  We are to have mutual submission to each other bearing each other’s burdens. When we think enough of each other that we mutually submit to each other in love, we should be able to see the things that the other is having difficulties with.  If we belong to God, we are able to enjoy our life and love for each other in a way that most do not ever see or enjoy.  The wife is to submit herself or to be subordinate to her husband as she would be to our Lord. She must honor and obey her husband, as he is the head of the wife and family just as Jesus is the head of the church. By doing these things that God has ordained for us we are doing it in compliance with God’s authority. Men, do not think that you have a place of control, for control is not what God has given you when He put you in the position of being offered up to be readily enthusiastic about your place in the marriage.  My friend this carries an extraordinary amount of pressure on us as the husband.  We are the ones that are responsible for the wife’s spiritual growth and also caring for her physical being and all her needs. This is to take place before we have any of our needs or wants attended to. Now you may see why I have said that we as husbands must earn the right to be the head of the wife. Keep in mind that we are to carry out our task with enthusiasm, with the same spirit that Christ cared for the church. When the husband follows the scripture, the wife should be more likely to be cheerful about her duty to her husband. We again can see in John 13:34 the command that we are to love one another, just as Jesus has loved us. In 1st John 2:15 we get a warning that we are not to love the trappings of the world.  If we do the love, of God is not in us.

We must keep in mind that marriage is a lifetime commitment. Many a marriage is based on spur of the moment feelings. He or she is the life of the party until after the party is over then we find out that things change. They cannot keep up this facade forever. Love, if directed by God will be a wonderful thing. Marriage is something we have to work at and as time passes, the work is less tedious. After the newness of the marriage is given time to mature, the effort is easier but we still have to work at it.  We must not act in a superior way over the other, for we are one and we would be fighting with our selves if we did. We need to share each other’s cares and burdens and in turn share the joys with each other.  To be joyous we need laughter and harmony.  Our love is not to be conditional.  Marriage is something we have to work at.  Remember, we were born into sin and it is our nature.  It is true that when married we are one joined together under the bonds of matrimony.  God has given us a great gift. That gift is Love of each other and a helpmate for the rest of our earthly existence. If we are in conflict with our spouse, then we are in conflict with ourselves. Do not turn your back on God. You would be if you bicker and fight with your spouse showing the exact opposite of love.  Besides, you would be fighting with yourself by doing so.

Do we not fear the wrath of God that He will pour out on us for being disobedient?  God’s love is an unconditional love for us, but if we turn our backs on Him, we can expect to be miserable from the wrath that God will pour upon us until such time as we ask for God’s forgiveness and repent for our sin. When we obey Him, by seeking the word of God that He has laid out for us in His love letters to us, we will have the joy of marriage and the mutual love we share with each other and with the love of our Lord and Savior.  It is far beyond our comprehension to understand His love and the direction that He sends us in.  He loves us even though we seem to constantly fight Him. Even though His words to us are showing us the way to perfect harmony and a life, free of fear and strife.

I cannot say enough about how pleased I am that God has chosen the wife that He gave to me. She has been a true source of inspiration to me. I could not imagine facing life without her. I marvel at how kind and loving she is.  I am not the easiest person there is to love. The wives duties to her husband are to submit to him in the Lord, honoring and obeying him. To love is also a commandment and we are to do so as unto the Lord, by doing so we obey and please God. God not only requires those duties out of us but also tells us that there is pain and suffering if we neglect our assigned roles as husband and wife. When one spouse compromises a marriage by not obeying God, it stands to reason that the other spouse will suffer. For if we are disobedient to God his wrath is sure to come, therefore both parties to the union are submitted to His wrath for we are one and we both suffer. If true love is present then when one hurts so does the other.

The head of the family is the seat of reason, wisdom and knowledge. God has given the man a position as head of the family just as Jesus was the head of the church.  The woman was formed from a rib taken from the man and fashioned into a woman to be man’s helpmate. The husband has been given the burden of rule over his wife and family and that is an awesome responsibility. The pecking order, if you will, is God first followed by the husband who must answer to God and seek his face and be worthy of that position. If he rules by implementing fear of one kind or the other, he will answer for it to our Father who is in Heaven. The husband will be held responsible for, and be held accountable for, the comfort and protection of his wife and family. Husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Are we aware that when we are the head of the house it is a position that is not an easy one? It is not you do this and you do that as so many men think when talking to their wives. They seem to think that when the bible tells us that wives are to submit to their husband that means they have to do what ever suits our fancy, they are to jump when we speak. Not so.  The right to rule is some thing we have to earn. A wife on the other hand thinks her duties lie only in fixing a meal and trying to look pretty.  This is not at all the case.  Not only should the wife keep a clean house as though Christ himself will be there in the flesh but also be the husband’s helpmate in all areas. In our modern society where men and women have taken to the work place, it has fallen on the women to do not only their work away from home but also their same work that is at the home with out any help or consideration.  This is not proper for she again is not the slave but the helpmate and therefore the husband should be helping her with the chores around the house.  Often it is wiser when young ones are still afoot that she not be in the workplace but stays at home to nurture them and do as a mother should do.  The man should bond with the children and especially the male children for the first two or three years of their life in order to give them the male image for their place in life.  Do not ever be afraid to hug and kiss your children.  This is something that they need.  By seeing this they will learn that these are the things that we do to show our love to others.  God did say in his word that Christian men are to greet each other with a kiss.  When love shows through I have found that love is not selfish or judgmental.  In the Christian home, where love is shown, happiness and harmony abound. The word says the wife is the helper not the slave. God has included in His love letters to us the formula for a happy marriage. Also see John 13:34 A new commandments has been given, that we are to love one another just as God has loved you, that also, you should love one another.

Many of the problems in a marriage are caused from the very onset of the union. Neither one knows what to look for in a lifetime mate. We must admit that many marriages start off with out any regards to any thing except it is exciting to be on our own. No thought is given to what is this other person really like? What morals do they display? What are their beliefs? Do they believe in our God? Do they believe in Jesus, or have they come to the throne in humble adoration? Remember just believing is not adequate. Satan knows there is a God.  2nd Corinthians 6:14-15 tells us not to be teamed up with unbelievers, for what do people of God have in common with sinful and lawless people. Can light and dark exist together? What harmony would there be between Christ and Satan? Is the person one who loves the things of the world? 1st John 2:15 do not love the world or the traps that are there. If they love the attractions of the world then they do not have the love of the Father in them. Romans 12:9, love is to be free of hypocrisy. Detest what is evil, hold tight to what is good.

1st John 4:7-8 Beloved friends let us love one another.  Love comes from God to those who love Him and are born of God and know Him. The ones that do not love and display kindness to all do not know God for God is Love. Did not God show how much He loved us when He sent His Son to die at Calvary for our sins past, present and future? Did He not do this out of love for us? This act cleared the way for us to have everlasting life. Malachi 2:16 this verse comes right from God saying He hates divorce. The word hate could also reflect an enemy therefore making divorce the enemy of God, for God said in Matthew 19:6 having been approached in verse 3 by Pharisees (religious leaders trying to discredit Jesus) asking, is it lawful for man to divorce his wife for any reason? Jesus replied insomuch as they are no longer two, but have become one by their marriage they have become one flesh, therefore what God put together let no man separate.  Reading this we can see that God does not only hate divorce, but he has commanded us not to separate.  If we look, in Luke 16:18 we will see that if a divorce takes place and we remarry another we have then committed adultery. God has made allowances for divorce.  We can find that in Matthew 5:32 where it states that except for sexual impurity there is no way that divorce should take place. After reading this and you still want a divorce and decide to hold back your willingness to submit your body to your spouse in order to cause frustration and possible infidelity, you now have caused yourself to sin both against our God and your spouse. If the reason for wanting divorce is physical then separation is appropriate if you both try to reconcile. Love and marriage is a wonderful thing created by God for us in order for us to complete our lives. Saint Paul said that marriage is a distraction from serving God. Only when we take time for our spouse then that is time away from directing all our energy to the things of God.

The believers are the Church and the bride of Christ who is referred to as the bridegroom. John 3:27-29 one of the followers of John the Baptist approached him seeking answers.  John replying to him said our God in heaven arranges each one’s task that He has set out for us to have. I, John the Baptist, have been given the honor to prepare the way of the Bridegroom who is our Lord Jesus and we who are the followers are called the bride. This I do so that every one will go to Him and not to me for you know that I do not profess to be Him. Not I but Jesus is the Messiah the Christ.   I am here just to prepare the way for Him – that is all. The crowds will go to the main attraction. They will go to where the Bridegroom is. I am the Bridegroom’s friend and I rejoice with Him in the success that He has. God gave all of us to his son Christ Jesus for safe keeping if we only yield to him.  We must be ready to serve God in the place where God has put us, fulfilling the stations that God has chosen for us what ever that may be.

 All of those who are believers in God the Father and the Son Jesus the Christ make up the church.  No denominational church can be called “The Church” because the Church itself is made up of all believers in Christ, no matter what church they attend, to be fed the truths of God.  Never rely on any man for those answers.  Always refer to the Bible especially if there is any question in your mind as to what you have been told.  I cannot stress any stronger than to tell you God said to seek and to study his word. 

If for any reason you have not come to our Lord in submission asking Jesus to come in and be the master of your life admitting that you are a sinner, I deplore you to do that now.  Jesus will then give you the Holy Spirit who will dwell in you until the day the Groom, Jesus, comes to collect His bride, the church.  I invite you to spend some time with me in heaven in the house that my Lord has provided for each and every one of us.

Romans 10:9 tells us to confess verbally that Jesus is Lord.  Believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, and then you shall be saved.   

No matter what sin we have committed God’s grace is sufficient to cleanse us from any sin that we have committed except the sin of denying the Holy Spirit. The existence of the triune God cannot be ignored. So then if we are truly regretful of any sin(s) we have, then The God who created us will no longer be able to see the sin for it is concealed by the blood of Jesus.  See Matthew 12:31-32

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Jim Brown